Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sclerosis And Joints (part 2 of 2)

How Does It Affect Joints?

Scleroderma would affect different organs and body parts differently, the only common thing with how it would affect them is that it would cause the patient pain and would limit the activities of the affected area. As for joints, they become less flexible and would cause sharp pain similar to rheumatism or arthritis. This could also lead to the patient being crippled over time if the symptoms do not improve in time.

This is because the antibodies are attacking the bone itself and could also be attacking the nearby muscles depending on the case. If you would get diagnosed with an x-ray, it would show that the bone is whiter than it should be, that of which indicates degeneration in the bone. If that is so, then that degeneration is expected to get worse by the moment until the bone is very brittle and could later start cracking.

How Is It Treated?

With the cause of scleroderma being yet unknown, there is also no single drug that would cure all cases of it. Treatment for scleroderma is specific depending on the case and on the patient as for joint problems, this is usually done first by having it diagnosed with joint x-rays and if it is confirmed that the bones are affected by scleroderma, the patient then will undergo physical therapy for them to be able to manage having limited movement.

Sclerosis And Joints (part 1 of 2)

Sclerosis is when the skin’s surface would suddenly turn into scar tissue or when one would suddenly experience different problems with internal organs that are brought about when an individual’s immune system would start attacking the tissue of that same body. The most visible symptoms of sclerosis is to have some affected areas in the skin however, to know if one is affected, he or she should get diagnosed by a doctor.

Sclerosis is more common in women than it is in men and is rarely found in children. It also happens between the ages of 30 to 60. While sclerosis would affect the skin as well as some organs, it is also notorious for causing a lot of its victims joint pain. Sclerosis could make its victims have dry joints or make the joint movement more limited and in severe cases, it could cripple the victim.

What Causes It?

So far, the cause for sclerosis has never been identified although medical experts have resulted to developing various theories for the cause of sclerosis. Some medical experts would say that sclerosis is very much genetic; having a case of sclerosis in the family would mean that everyone else is at danger of developing it. Some would also say that it is largely environmental and is mainly caused by factors that can be picked up from the environment.

Basing on the common category this would affect which are women in between the ages 30 to 60, some medical experts have thought that the reason behind scleroderma are the fetal remnants left over that are still circulating in the mother’s bloodstream. They say that even after decades after birth, these could still cause scleroderma. This however is yet to be proven and is not backed by sufficient evidence. Even with the main cause of scleroderma being unknown, a lot of cases have still been managed and treated effectively with the use of medications and other methods.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Cure for Wild Mood Swings (part 2 of 2)

Rather, moderation is the key to having the right diet. Eat moderately of any food group and you’ll be safe. Wine and dark chocolate for instance comes with its own share of health benefits and including them in your diet won’t be bad at all but only if you consume the appropriate amount.

Of course, healthy eating will be always made more effective if you eat more fruits and greens. Drink lots of water, too! Water helps remove toxins from your body and improves not only your health but your overall well-being, too.

If you’re feeling happy and full, there’s no reason for you to suffer from mood swings.

Be happy.
Happiness is a state of being. It involves not only your emotions but your thoughts and psychological health as well.

Being at peace helps make you happier, but it’s not easily achieved. One way of gaining inner peace is by meditation. Meditating helps you relax and enjoy the maximum value of your rest.
Meditation also helps you gain more control over your moods, consequently reducing the frequency of your mood swings.

Meditation is best done in seclusion. Try reserving a few moments of the day for yourself. Look for a room where you can meditate in silence and without any distraction. If you don’t know how to meditate, there are various exercises like yoga or tai-chi to help you do so.

Talking things out will also reduce the frequency of your mood swings, but again, this is more difficult for men than it is for women. While women generally have no problems airing out their feelings, men are usually unwilling to talk about what’s bothering them, much less ask help for it.

Do all these and they can surely cure your wild mood swings.

The Cure for Wild Mood Swings (part 1 of 2)

Here are seven simple tips to help you achieve a cure for your wild mood swings.

Acknowledge the problem.
This is the first step in curing wild mood swings especially with men. Since mood swings and depressions are more common with women, most of all during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, they don’t have as hard a time admitting to having such problems.

With men, it’s quite different. Mood swings are uncommon or so they think and they often consider it a weakness. Unfortunately, curing wild mood swings is impossible unless they acknowledge the problem and become willing to seek treatment for it.

Exercise regularly.
This will come as a surprise to many but the mere act of walking briskly outdoors for about twenty minutes each day has proven to be more effective than antidepressants. As you can see, the best cures for wild mood swings aren’t always medical in nature. They can be natural, too.

Walking outdoors is especially helpful because not only do they give your body an overall workout but they also allow you to breathe fresh air and socialize. Enjoying the company of a friend or loved one or simply taking pleasure in your surroundings will make you happy and consequently less prone to suffering from mood swings.

Eat healthy.
Another natural cure for wild mood swings is having the right diet. Sticking to the right diet is easier than most people think. Unless you have a medical condition like hypertension or diabetes and which requires a special diet, eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to abstain from any food group.