Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sclerosis And Joints (part 2 of 2)

How Does It Affect Joints?

Scleroderma would affect different organs and body parts differently, the only common thing with how it would affect them is that it would cause the patient pain and would limit the activities of the affected area. As for joints, they become less flexible and would cause sharp pain similar to rheumatism or arthritis. This could also lead to the patient being crippled over time if the symptoms do not improve in time.

This is because the antibodies are attacking the bone itself and could also be attacking the nearby muscles depending on the case. If you would get diagnosed with an x-ray, it would show that the bone is whiter than it should be, that of which indicates degeneration in the bone. If that is so, then that degeneration is expected to get worse by the moment until the bone is very brittle and could later start cracking.

How Is It Treated?

With the cause of scleroderma being yet unknown, there is also no single drug that would cure all cases of it. Treatment for scleroderma is specific depending on the case and on the patient as for joint problems, this is usually done first by having it diagnosed with joint x-rays and if it is confirmed that the bones are affected by scleroderma, the patient then will undergo physical therapy for them to be able to manage having limited movement.

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