Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Basic Golf Swing Mechanics (part 1 of 2)

Golfers everywhere try to replicate the "perfect" golf swing to improve their game in leaps and bounds, making shots effortless and very professional. However, one thing to note that there is no such thing as the perfect golf swing as there is only a perfect golf swing for each player. As our bodies were made differently, so should our mentality in swinging a golf club. By adhering to basic principles and practicing everyday, anyone can achieve perfection and hit the ball onto the green every single time.

A lot of golfers suffer from not being able to hit either their drivers or irons right at all, causing slices and other problems with their swing. Some tend to have a “to blame” list: the weather, the slope, too much overtime affecting their game, or that they’re just warming up. One thing that golfers ignore is the fact that basic motions are always the best way to go.

Here are six basic principles that can help you get the mechanics of your golf swing properly.

1. Alignment is crucial in hitting your target square. The fundamental concept behind a proper golf swing is hitting the ball dead center, which means that alignment is the most important basic in a proper golf swing.

2. Make sure that you have a comfortable stance that will let you rotate your body in the most effortless way possible. Think of your spine as an axis and find your center of gravity by pushing your backside out. Once you achieve that comfortable stance, then you should have less problems.

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